Jewelry Marketing for a Post-COVID-19 Future

Since late March, we've been doing a lot of thinking, reading, writing, and speaking about the COVID-19 pandemic and its impact on retail in general and the jewelry industry in particular. We've also spoken to many industry experts and have watched many webinars on the subject, in an effort to...


10 Things Marketing Can and Can’t Do for Your Jewelry Brand

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]Unfortunately, too many jewelry business owners have unrealistic expectations about what marketing can achieve, especially on a short timeline. They hope that the right marketing initiative will be able to solve long-standing problems by doing things like erasing years of poor customer service, adding sparkle to a lackluster product assortment,...


Importance of Design in Jewelry Marketing

When it comes to crafting an impactful brand identity for your jewelry brand, design is everything, since brand identity is the ultimate visual representation of your brand. Does your brand identity capture and convey everything you want your customers to know about your mission, values, and products? If not, it...


How to Contact Influencers and Manage the Influencer Relationship for Your Jewelry Brand (Part 5 of 5)

To prepare for my upcoming talk at Jewelry Ecomm Live!, I published five posts throughout September about influencer marketing for jewelry brands. In this final post of the series, I share the most effective methods for contacting influencers and managing the influencer relationship from start to finish. In the previous blog...


Developing a “Look-Tone-Feel” for Your Jewelry Brand

When you’re in the process of planning to launch a jewelry brand, you must do more than simply design your jewelry pieces; you must also identify your target customers and decide on the best way to share your brand with them, both visually and through language. Before you make arbitrary design...


How to Make Jewelry Your Customers Want to Buy

Sometimes, jewelry brands are so committed to their vision that they lose sight of what customers want. While it’s true that a jewelry brand must find the right customers, usually the right customers know even better than the brand what’s most in demand and what the market needs. Have you ever...


Brand Awareness vs. Brand Identity for Jewelry Brands

I recently read an article in JCK about Pandora’s efforts to reinvent itself after an “unsatisfactory” 2018. Pandora executives admit the brand has high brand awareness but lacks brand identity. This got me thinking about the difference between brand awareness and identity and why it matters to jewelry brands. In Pandora’s...