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All About Calls to Action For Jewelry Marketing

Episode #294 – “All About Calls to Action For Jewelry Marketing”

Welcome to Episode #294. In today’s episode, I’m diving back into jewelry marketing basics with a focus on the unsung hero of effective marketing: Calls to Action, or CTAs. It’s surprising I haven’t dedicated an episode to this before! While I’ve mentioned CTAs in past episodes, I’ve never fully explored their importance and how to use them effectively.

In this episode, we’ll break down what CTAs are and why they’re crucial for jewelry marketing. We’ll discuss general best practices, how to tailor CTAs to your specific audience, and how psychological principles can guide your CTA strategies. Plus, I’ll share tips on keeping your CTAs fresh and engaging.

In our “Gold Mine” segment, I’ll also share some recent observations about standout social media content and how you can apply these insights to your own posts. Tune in to get inspired and take your jewelry marketing to the next level!

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Check out the transcript below.

Laryssa Wirstiuk 0:00
Ready to break free from algorithms, vanity PR, and money-sucking ads? My name’s Laryssa Wirstiuk, and I’ve learned in 8 years of jewelry marketing that content is the crown jewel. My agency Joy Joya takes a holistic approach, leading with laser-focused storytelling, impactful content creation, and strategic content distribution. This method has worked for the solopreneur as well as the multi-million-dollar company, and now I’m sharing these systems and tactics with you. Here’s to standing out in the Sea of Sparkle.

Welcome to Episode #294. In today’s episode, I’m diving back into jewelry marketing basics with a focus on the unsung hero of effective marketing: Calls to Action, or CTAs. It’s surprising I haven’t dedicated an episode to this before! While I’ve mentioned CTAs in past episodes, I’ve never fully explored their importance and how to use them effectively. In this episode, we’ll break down what CTAs are and why they’re crucial for jewelry marketing. We’ll discuss general best practices, how to tailor CTAs to your specific audience, and how psychological principles can guide your CTA strategies. Plus, I’ll share tips on keeping your CTAs fresh and engaging. In our “Gold Mine” segment, I’ll also share some recent observations about standout social media content and how you can apply these insights to your own posts. Tune in to get inspired and take your jewelry marketing to the next level!

But before we get to the solid gold, I’d like to take a moment to remind you that this podcast has both audio and video – so you can either listen on your favorite podcast platform or watch on YouTube by searching “Joy Joya”. You can support the podcast for free by taking the time not only to subscribe but also to leave a rating and review on Apple Podcasts. Also, if you didn’t know, I co-host another podcast called “Success With Jewelry” with my friend Liz Kantner, who’s also a jewelry marketer and the founder of the Stay Gold Collective. We have a free version of the podcast, available everywhere you listen to podcasts and on YouTube as well as a membership community with extended episodes and additional resources. I invite you to check it out if you’re hungry for more content!

I’ve got big news! For the third time, Joy Joya is opening an incubator grant, and it is officially live and waiting for your applications! We’re doing things a little different this time around. Visit to apply and get ALL the details. We’re giving away six months (August 1-January 31) of FREE full-service digital marketing support, valued at $3,000 per month ($18,000 total value), to one emerging jewelry brand. Last time I offered this about a year ago, we had pretty strict requirements to enter, and I got a lot of feedback about how that felt limiting. You asked, and I listened! We’re taking off the requirements: you only need to be an active jewelry business with an ecommerce presence to enter. Highlights include: Access to Laryssa and your dedicated Client Account Manager at your fingertips 6-month content calendar tailored to your brand 3 audits Comprehensive email marketing management Blog post writing and publishing Success roadmap for ecommerce, email, and social, and much more Additionally, NEW this year we’re offering the following for five finalists: six months free of the mid-tier membership to JoyDeck ($3,600 value). JoyDeck is an all-in-one marketing support platform that provides accountability and direction, a personalized plan, confidence and assurance, real-time progress monitoring, accessible marketing expertise, and more.

Highlights include: Access to Laryssa and your dedicated Client Account Manager at your fingertips 6-month content calendar tailored to your brand 3 audits Use our customizable email templates Success roadmap for ecommerce, email, and social, and much more And ALSO all entrants, yes ALL entrants, will receive three free months of an entry-level membership to JoyDeck ($300 value). Entry-level JoyDeck focuses on accountability and support for your marketing. If you’re on the brink of something big but need guidance to take that leap, you’ve come to the right place. This roadmap is reserved for the bold, the dreamers, and those hungry for growth. Highlights include: Jewelry-specific content calendar Flex social media marketing ideas Access to our extensive resource library and email marketing templates Collaborative marketing challenges Weekly brand storytelling prompts …and much more!

Why are we doing this for free? The recipient of this grant will share their business and marketing journey with Joy Joya Podcast listeners and host Laryssa Wirstiuk. We’ll spotlight you as our best case study yet. Also, we love giving back to the industry, and we’ve had a lot of success with the past two grant programs we’ve run. As I mentioned, the only requirements are that you have an active jewelry business with an e-commerce presence. If you’re already a Joy Joya podcast fan and feel aligned with Laryssa’s approach to marketing, that’s a bonus! Again, visit to apply and get ALL the details. Applications close Friday, July 12th at 11:59 PM PT.

Okay, let’s get into today’s episode, my Sparklers! Definition and Importance of CTAs What are CTAs? Calls to Action, commonly known as CTAs, are prompts that encourage your audience to take a specific action. They are typically found in marketing materials such as websites, emails, social media posts, and advertisements. A CTA could be a button, a link, or even a simple line of text that directs the audience on what to do next. Why CTAs are crucial in jewelry marketing Drive Engagement: They encourage visitors to interact with your brand. Increase Conversions: They help turn visitors into customers by guiding them through the buying process. Measure Success: They provide a way to track the effectiveness of your marketing efforts through metrics like click-through rates and conversion rates. General Best Practices For CTAs Create a Sense of Urgency or Scarcity: Use time-sensitive language where appropriate to encourage immediate action (e.g., “Limited Edition”, “Exclusive Access”). Be Clear and Concise; Examples: “Buy Now”, “Learn More”, “Get Started” Why It Works: Direct and simple language makes it easy for customers to understand what action they need to take. Use Action-Oriented Language; Examples: “Discover Our New Collection”, “Join Our Newsletter”, “Explore Our Bestsellers” Why It Works: Verbs inspire action and make the CTA more dynamic and engaging. Make It Visually Prominent; Examples: Bold buttons, contrasting colors, larger font sizes Why It Works: Ensures the CTA stands out on the page, making it easy for customers to see and click. Personalize Where Possible; Examples: “Get Your Personalized Recommendation”, “Find Your Perfect Match”, “Customize Your Ring” Why It Works: Personalization makes the CTA more relevant and appealing to individual customers. Highlight Benefits; Examples: “Save 20% Today”, “Free Shipping on Orders Over $50”, “Exclusive Member Access” Why It Works: Emphasizes the value or benefit of taking action, making it more enticing. Align with User Intent; Examples: “Download Now” for a free guide, “Schedule a Consultation” for personalized services Why It Works: Matches the CTA with what the user is looking to do, increasing the likelihood of conversion. Create a Seamless Experience; Examples: “Continue Shopping”, “Add to Wishlist”, “Proceed to Checkout” Why It Works: Ensures that the CTA integrates smoothly with the user’s journey, reducing friction and encouraging follow-through. Crafting Compelling CTAs for Jewelry Brands Understanding Your Audience Identifying customer personas Tailoring CTAs to different segments (e.g., bridal, fashion-forward, collectors) Understanding your audience and tailoring your CTAs to different customer segments is key to making them effective.

Here’s how you can create specific CTAs for various segments in the jewelry market: 1. Bridal Customers: Audience Characteristics: Engaged couples, wedding planners, and family members looking for bridal jewelry. Effective CTAs: “Find Your Perfect Engagement Ring” – Directs to engagement rings. “Say ‘I Do’ with Our Wedding Bands” – Targets those looking for wedding bands. “Book a Consultation with Our Bridal Expert” – Encourages personalized service. “Explore Bridal Jewelry Sets” – Prompts exploration of coordinated sets. Why They Work: These CTAs address the specific needs and emotions of couples planning their weddings, emphasizing personalization, special occasions, and the significance of the purchase. 2. Fashion-Forward Customers: Audience Characteristics: Trend-savvy individuals, fashion influencers, and those who keep up with the latest styles. Effective CTAs: “Stay Ahead with Our Latest Trends” – Promotes new arrivals. “Shop the Look” – Encourages purchasing items seen on models or influencers. “Get the Trendiest Pieces Now” – Highlights fashion-forward items. “Join Our Style Squad” – Builds a community around fashion and trends. Why They Work: These CTAs appeal to the desire to stay fashionable and ahead of trends, leveraging the allure of new and trendy pieces. 3. Collectors: Audience Characteristics: Jewelry enthusiasts, collectors of rare or unique pieces, and those who appreciate fine craftsmanship. Effective CTAs: “Discover Rare Finds” – Promotes unique or limited-edition pieces. “Add to Your Collection” – Encourages purchasing items that add value to a collection. “Learn the Story Behind Our Pieces” – Appeals to the appreciation of craftsmanship and history. “Exclusive Access to New Collections” – Offers early or exclusive access to new items. Why They Work: These CTAs cater to the collector’s passion for rarity, uniqueness, and the stories behind the pieces, enhancing the perceived value and exclusivity of the jewelry. The Psychology Behind CTAs Emotional Appeal: Examples: “Express Your Love”, “Cherish the Moment”, “Celebrate Your Milestone” Why It Works: Emotions drive decisions. Emotional triggers resonate on a deeper level, connecting the product with significant life moments and personal feelings. Application in Jewelry Marketing: Use CTAs that evoke emotions associated with love, celebration, and personal milestones. For example, “Express Your Love with a Personalized Necklace”. Personal Connection: Examples: “Find Your Perfect Match”, “Make It Yours”, “Create Your Legacy” Why It Works: Personal connections make the purchase feel more meaningful and tailored to the customer’s life. Application in Jewelry Marketing: Encourage personalization and customization to enhance the emotional value of the product. For example, “Customize Your Ring to Tell Your Story”. Language and Wording Power Words and Phrases: Examples: “Discover”, “Unlock”, “Transform”, “Exclusive”, “Free”, “Now” Why It Works: Power words capture attention and inspire action. They are persuasive and can significantly increase the effectiveness of a CTA. Application in Jewelry Marketing: Use power words to make your CTAs more compelling and attractive. For example, “Unlock Exclusive Savings” or “Discover Our New Collection”. The balance between creativity and clarity While it’s nice to get creative with your CTAs every once in a while, you don’t want your audience to be confused about what step to take next. Ensure that the CTA is straightforward and easy to understand. For example, “Shop the Sale” or “View Our Bestsellers”. So how are you using CTAs? What could you improve? Let me know in a comment on YouTube or DM me on Instagram. I’d love to chat about it!

Okay, let’s get into the GOLD MINE. Welcome to another edition of THE GOLD MINE – a segment where I get personal and share insights on entrepreneurship, mindset, success, growth, and all things business. THE GOLD MINE allows me to share topics and insights close to my heart. In this week’s GOLD MINE, I want to explore the question, “What makes the most engaging social media accounts today so compelling?” Why do some brands just seem to have such a strong handle on Instagram? I think we know them when we see them, but it’s sometimes hard to replicate because we can’t quite put a finger on what they’re doing well. I have some ideas, so let’s chat about them. First, it’s the sense of novelty they offer. These accounts invite you into a world that’s intriguing, one you can’t fully grasp but want to be a part of. They continually surprise you with new content or present familiar ideas in fresh, exciting ways.

Now, I have a caveat about that; when I mention to clients that they should try to infuse more novelty into their content, I sometimes get totally reasonable pushback like, “But I can’t be releasing new products every week!” Being novel doesn’t mean you always have to show something new. It’s more about keeping your brand fresh and giving a new perspective on your products, even the ones you have now. That can mean showing how to style them in new ways or just telling stories that haven’t yet been shared.

Another thing I’ve noticed is that watching top-notch Instagram content can feel like spending time with a curious child who is in awe of everything around them. Their energy is contagious, making you want to immerse yourself in their world. If you’re not enthused about creating and posting your Instagram content, unfortunately that’s going to come through, even if you don’t mean for that to happen. I think that if you want social media to be a part of your marketing strategy, you have to commit to it pretty strongly and, as best as you can, not complain about the algorithm but instead feel determined to connect with your current audience by pushing the boundaries of your content.

It’s also important to remember that social media isn’t reality. We often forget this because it’s so integrated into our lives. Knowing this presents a unique opportunity to craft a carefully curated story. Think of it like a magician’s performance, where the goal is to leave the audience in awe. Magicians reveal only what they need to and guide your attention with precision. Your social media content should follow the same principle. Think like a magician and keep everyone on the edge of their seats.

How are you feeling about social media content creation? Do you feel burned out? If so, it might be time to take a little break, reassess its roles in your overall marketing strategy, and then come back with fresh eyes and maybe a creative brainstorm for how you’re going to tackle your content moving forward. Let me know in an Instagram DM or YouTube comment what you’re struggling with the most. I’d love to hear your thoughts!

Did you have any questions about today’s episode? You can always email me Laryssa at If you loved this podcast, please share it with a friend who’d appreciate it. And don’t forget to subscribe as well as leave a review on Apple Podcasts. If you’re completely new to digital marketing, then you’ll want to purchase and read a copy of my book JEWELRY MARKETING JOY. Visit for more information.

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