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Wrapping Up Jewelry Marketing Jumpstart – What’s Next?

Episode #251 – “Wrapping Up Jewelry Marketing Jumpstart – What’s Next?”

To learn more about “Jewelry Marketing Jumpstart”, visit for all the details.

Welcome to Episode #251. It’s the grand finale of the Jewelry Marketing Jumpstart journey! Can you believe it all started back with episode #225 in mid-January of this year? Time flies when we’re having fun, right?

But no worries, my gem-loving friends, the podcast isn’t going anywhere! We’re just wrapping up this incredible chapter, this six-month season of pure marketing magic. So, let’s take a moment to walk down memory lane and do a quick recap of all the glittering gems we’ve uncovered together during the Jewelry Marketing Jumpstart program.

And hold on tight, because after this, we’ve got:

  • A sparkling lineup of new content and adventures awaiting you. I’ll spill the diamonds on what’s coming up next, so you won’t want to miss that!
  • Our regular fan-favorite segments – the dazzling case study, Gold Mine, plus the hottest news articles in the jewelry industry, because staying in the loop is always a gem-worthy goal.

Access to the free Jewelry Marketing Jumpstart program is wrapping up Friday, August 4th Anyone who signs up before it ends will continue to have access to the PDF worksheet downloads, but we’ll be closing off new signups. If you want to sign up for the podcast-guided program, visit while you still can!

Sign Up for Jewelry Marketing Jumpstart –

Check out the transcript below.

Ready to break free from algorithms, vanity PR, and money-sucking ads? My name’s Laryssa Wirstiuk, and I’ve learned in 7 years of jewelry marketing that content is the crown jewel. My agency Joy Joya takes a holistic approach, leading with laser-focused storytelling, impactful content creation, and strategic content distribution. This method has worked for the solopreneur as well as the multi-million-dollar company, and now I’m sharing these systems and tactics with you. Here’s to standing out in the Sea of Sparkle.

Welcome to Episode #251. It’s the grand finale of the Jewelry Marketing Jumpstart journey! Can you believe it all started back with episode #225 in mid-January of this year? Time flies when we’re having fun, right? But no worries, my gem-loving friends, the podcast isn’t going anywhere! We’re just wrapping up this incredible chapter, this six-month season of pure marketing magic. So, let’s take a moment to walk down memory lane and do a quick recap of all the glittering gems we’ve uncovered together during the Jewelry Marketing Jumpstart program. And hold on tight, because after this, we’ve got: A sparkling lineup of new content and adventures awaiting you. I’ll spill the diamonds on what’s coming up next, so you won’t want to miss that! Our regular fan-favorite segments – the dazzling case study, Gold Mine, plus the hottest news articles in the jewelry industry, because staying in the loop is always a gem-worthy goal. Access to the free Jewelry Marketing Jumpstart program is wrapping up Friday, August 4th Anyone who signs up before it ends will continue to have access to the PDF worksheet downloads, but we’ll be closing off new signups. If you want to sign up for the podcast-guided program, visit while you still can!

But before we get to the solid gold, I’d like to take a moment to remind you that this podcast has both audio and video – so you can either listen on your favorite podcast platform or watch on YouTube by searching “Joy Joya”. You can support the podcast for free by taking the time not only to subscribe but also to leave a rating and review on Apple Podcasts. If you leave a review, I might read it on a future episode – please let me know what you think about this episode or about any other major takeaways you’ve had recently. Speaking of podcasts, did you know I also co-host another podcast with jewelry marketer Liz Kantner? It’s called Success With Jewelry, and we’ve already released 45 free episodes everywhere you listen to podcasts as well as on YouTube. We also have an Insider community, where we share extended episodes, hands-on guidance, and a plethora of resources. Visit to learn more.

Okay, my Sparklers, let’s get into the last episode for Jewelry Marketing Jumpstart. Again, for everything from this year you can sign up at And as I mentioned, I’m closing signups on Friday, August 4. So first I just want to like recap what Jewelry Marketing Jumpstart was all about and what my original purpose and goal was. So the main reason why I wanted to launch this and this was an idea I had back toward the end of 2022, like maybe in October and November when I first came up with this concept. I really decided that I wanted to share the Joy Joya method or approach to jewelry marketing.

Before this program in 2022, the podcast format was a mix of interviews and me covering random topics in jewelry marketing. But honestly, it didn’t feel quite cohesive to me, and it didn’t fully represent what I really wanted to share with you, and I needed to kind of rethink my intention and come into 2023 with like a new version of the podcast. I know it was probably entertaining the interviews, I’m sure were helpful. But again, I think it lacked that constructive and positive impact that I had in mind. And also over that time, especially through 2022, I’ve been working with clients and realized that even with Joy Joya with my agency, me and my team have developed a more universal process to help clients level-up marketing. And even though each client is so different, I began to realize that there really is a process that we follow. There are a lot of principles and activities and tasks that we do for each client. So I thought, hey, why not kind of guide all of you Sparklers who listen to this podcast through that same valuable approach, and also, as just a challenging exercise for me to think through how I could adapt that work I do with clients and make it DIY-able, basically. And I did also have another realization, it hit me at some point in 2022, that, hey, this is my space. This is a platform that I’ve built, I take it really seriously, I put a lot of time and thought into it. So I wanted to be way more intentional about what I put out there in the world for the jewelry industry.

Hosting and producing this podcast is no small feat. Sure, I have a team helping me with client work, but when it comes to the podcast, I handle pretty much everything on my own. From planning, idea-generating, researching, scripting, hosting, uploading, promoting – you name it! My fiancé, Jordan, helps by editing the audio and video, but the rest is all me. And with all of that stuff happening, that amounts to like five to six hours a week that I’m putting into the podcast. And you know what, when you’re putting that much time into something on top of already the full time business that you’re running, I need to love it, it needs to be meaningful for me, it needs to be fully aligned. I’m super passionate as you can tell about delivering the content about educating you. And so, Jewelry Marketing Jumpstart was a way for me to like retake ownership of the concept, and make it speak to what I really want to be communicating. So whether you’ve been following along since January, or even before that, or whether you’re new to the podcast, or you really think we’ve had an amazing journey from January to now it’s kind of like a roller coaster ride through all the essential steps to set a rock solid foundation for jewelry marketing success.

We kicked off the adventure by building a dazzling brand identity and honing our storytelling skills. From there, we dove deep into the powerful realm of Content Marketing – what it is and how to harness its magic to captivate your audience. Next up, we explored the intriguing territory of Audience Personas and Competitive Analysis. Understanding your audience and keeping a close eye on the competition are game-changers in this glittering world. And hold on tight, because we didn’t stop there! We ventured into the realm of metrics and goal-setting – vital elements to measure and achieve your marketing dreams. Plus, we unleashed the secrets of crafting an effective content plan that will leave your competitors dazzled! But oh, we were just getting warmed up! SEO – the magical key to unlocking your online presence – and content distribution through social media and email marketing were the sparkling stars of our journey. Phew! I told you it was a wild ride, and I sincerely hope you’ve been following along and learning as much as possible. So, buckle up, my jewelry marketing warriors, because this journey has been nothing short of transformative! Let’s carry these newfound insights and conquer the jewelry marketing universe together!

The feedback for the program has been absolutely heartwarming! You wouldn’t believe the flood of positivity through Instagram DMs, personal emails, and even delightful real-life chats. I am truly grateful for all your support and love. One of the things that made my heart sing was knowing that you lovely souls who signed up were taking this journey at your own pace. Life can get busy, and that’s completely fine! So, if following my weekly cadence didn’t fit into your schedule, no worries at all. The beauty of this program is that you can digest the sparkling content whenever you have the time, and it’s all yours to keep! So, my dear Sparklers, here’s my shimmering hope: I wish for each and every one of you to keep coming back to those precious worksheets, to continue working your way through them, and maybe even refresh your memory from time to time. Remember, the gems of knowledge and insights we’ve uncovered together are always here for you to cherish and utilize.

You know what really caught me off guard? When I checked out the most popular episodes of the Jewelry Marketing Jumpstart program, I was in for a surprise! On YouTube, the crowned gem was none other than “A Beginner’s Guide to SEO for Jewelry Marketing Content.” Yep, it seems like SEO remains a mysterious quest for many out there. On the audio side, the sparkling winner was “Episode 227 – Be a Better Storyteller for Your Jewelry Business.” It’s no wonder; storytelling can feel like an elusive art to master. Hey, if these topics struck a chord with you, then I’m thrilled! My goal has always been to shed some light on those tricky subjects and make them sparkle with clarity. And hey, I’m all ears! If you crave more insights on a specific topic in the future, don’t hesitate to drop me an email or slide into my DMs on IG. I’m here to make your jewelry marketing journey as dazzling and enlightening as possible!

And then of course, I just had to like personally reflect on the past six months. Let me tell you something about commitment – I am all in, 100%! When I say I’ll do something, I see it through to the end, except for those rare times when sickness decides to crash the party. Yep, it happened to me too! I had big plans to kickstart the Jumpstart a week earlier in January, but then COVID showed up uninvited and messed with my schedule. But hey, that’s life, right? Now, let’s talk about sticking to one committed theme for a whopping 28 weeks. Whew, not a walk in the park, my friends! I knew it wouldn’t be a breeze, so I had to stay on top of things and be one step ahead of the calendar. That’s the secret sauce to making this kind of commitment work. You see, staying ahead of the game was my best tool. It meant I could avoid that annoying feeling of scrambling last minute to get things done. You’ve got to give yourself as many “gifts” as possible – little tricks and treats to keep you going strong. So, when life throws those unexpected snags, you’ll be prepared to face them head-on. And that’s one thing I definitely learned from from doing the program.

Now I want to tease some really exciting plans and changes for the upcoming I guess you could say season of the podcast. This is something I’m super excited about. And I hope you are too. Something exciting is coming your way on Sunday, August 6th! We’re about to kick off the first episode of our new format, and let me tell you, it’s going to be a captivating journey. Now, here’s the deal – we’ve selected a fantastic jewelry brand to be the recipient of the Joy Joya Jewelry Marketing Grant. I know you’re curious, but no peeking just yet! I’ll be revealing the brand’s identity during that first episode, so mark your calendars! We’ve already started working together and recording the episodes, and let me tell you, it’s going to be a ride you won’t want to miss. For the next six months, we’ll be following this jewelry brand on their marketing journey – from where they are right now to where Joy Joya is hoping to take them. Oh, but that’s not all! Along the way, you’ll get an inside look at all the processes and insights. It’s like a treasure trove of marketing gems! I’m beyond thrilled for this adventure, and I just know you’re going to love it too. So, clear your schedule and join us on this marvelous journey starting on August 6th. Trust me; it’s going to be epic! Can’t wait to see you there!

And lastly, before we get into the case study, I just really want to express my gratitude to you all my Sparklers. As I reflect on this incredible season of “Jewelry Marketing Jumpstart,” my heart overflows with deep gratitude for each and every one of you. Your unwavering support, enthusiasm, and dedication have made this journey more meaningful than I could have ever imagined. It’s because of your presence and engagement that this podcast has flourished, touching the lives of so many in the jewelry community. Together, we’ve delved into the intricate world of jewelry marketing, uncovering sparkling insights and demystifying the challenges. Your curiosity and willingness to learn have made each episode a joy to produce. I’m deeply grateful for the trust you’ve placed in me as your jewelry marketing guide. Okay, that’s it for now! Go to to get all 26 worksheets from this year. Remember you can only sign up until Friday August 4th and then access will be done! Before we get into The Gold Mine as well as my jewelry marketing news roundup, I want to share a case study of a jewelry brand that I think embodies everything I just spoke about.

So today’s a case study is about Claire’s the mall jewelry brand that everyone knows for piercing basically. And I saw an article about them that said there are introducing a new image and attitude for their industry leading piercing business. Sometimes you have to go back to your roots as a brand and lean into what customers know best about you. That’s exactly what Claire’s is doing. Claire’s, a well-established global fashion brand known for ear piercing, is reinventing its piercing division with the introduction of “Pierced by Claire’s”. This relaunch aims to rejuvenate the brand’s piercing identity with a fresh and vibrant outlook, appealing to both existing and new generations. Claire’s CEO Ryan Vero, says the piercing service has always facilitated a deep connection with customers, and the new ‘Pierced by Claire’s’ will fortify this bond. The rebrand includes a modern logo, vibrant branding, and a digital character, ‘Pierce’, who brings to life the joy of getting pierced and shopping at Claire’s. In an effort to further entice customers, Claire’s is launching a ‘Free earrings for a year’ campaign for those who choose to get pierced at their stores. Alongside this, Claire’s is encouraging self-expression through its ‘EarPrint’ feature, which allows customers to design their unique ear style, thus amplifying the brand’s aim of empowering individuals to celebrate their uniqueness. The new identity is also reflected in in-store experiences, Piercing Specialist attire, pop-up piercing events, and new merchandise. This reimagination comes just as the back-to-school season begins, providing an opportune moment for Gen Z customers to express their personal style. The key takeaway for jewelry business owners is the brand’s creative approach in reinventing a traditional service, with integrated marketing strategies and engaging digital platforms to capture the attention of both current and potential customers. This approach could serve as a model for how jewelry businesses can reimagine their offerings in a way that resonates with a younger, digitally-inclined audience. What do you think? Did you ever get an ear piercing at Claire’s? I read their FAQs, and they’re still using the same single-cartridge process, which is interesting to me – it all just got a new look. Let me know in a podcast review or YouTube comment. Okay, let’s get into THE GOLD MINE!

If you’re new to this podcast, the goldmine is a segment where I get a little more personal and talk in a more intimate way about topics like mindset, success, entrepreneurship, etc. For today’s Gold Mine segment, I have a question for you. “When’s the last time you ran an ‘experiment’ in your jewelry business?” You see, experiments aren’t just for the lab. They’re vital for our businesses too, especially in the dynamic world of jewelry. Growth and innovation come from daring to try something different. Looking back on my own journey, the Jewelry Marketing Jumpstart I recently wrapped up was a huge experiment for me. I had this seed of an idea, to share useful resources alongside the podcast. Instead of waiting for everything to be perfect, I just jumped in. The thrill of the unknown made it exciting. It reinvigorated the passion I have for the podcast and for sharing helpful information with you, my Sparklers. What it gave me, apart from a fresh direction for my business and marketing, was a better understanding of you, my listeners and viewers. By giving you new ways to get involved, I got to see what really resonates with you. Now, I’m gearing up for another experiment. Over the next six months, I’ll be sharing the inside scoop on my marketing work with a jewelry brand that won the Joy Joya Jewelry Marketing Grant. I’m in uncharted waters here – I’ve never come across a podcast with this format before. But that’s the fun part, right? Sure, I have a rough plan, but a lot of this will be figuring stuff out as we go along. It’s a chance to keep things fresh, break some rules, and learn even more about you all. So why am I sharing all this? Well, I want to get you thinking about your own ‘experiments’. Maybe it’s shaking up your marketing strategy, posting new types of content on Instagram, adding new stories to your website, or embarking on a unique campaign. Every experiment you do is a step towards understanding your business and your customers better. And let’s be clear, running an experiment doesn’t mean taking a blind leap off a cliff. There’s often a misconception that trying new things in business equates to wild, uncontrolled risk. But that’s not what we’re talking about here. In science, an experiment is conducted in a carefully controlled environment. It involves thoughtful planning, calculated risks, and a clear intention of what you hope to learn or achieve. Think of it more as a guided journey into the unknown, rather than a free-fall. It’s like crossing a river with stepping stones. You might not be entirely sure of the way, but you’re not just plunging headlong into the water. The intent behind these calculated risks, the controlled settings in which they take place, should give you comfort as they guide your path to innovation and growth. The jewelry industry is always changing and – just like gems – catching the light in new ways. We can’t stand still and hope to keep up. We need to be out there, trying new things, understanding the changes and making them work for us. I’m here to say – step out of your comfort zone. Embrace the unknown. See each new venture not as a potential failure, but as a gold mine of learning and growth. What do you think about that? Does it resonate with you? Tell me in a YouTube comment or podcast review. I’d love to know your thoughts.

Okay, let’s get into the news roundup, where I share three relevant articles related to jewelry, or marketing. The first one comes from Social Media Today. And it’s called “Instagram Adds Improved Reels Template Options to Provide Creative inspiration”. So this is kind of exciting. Instagram is launching an improved Template Browser process for Reels, which will allow users to search Reels templates in categories like ‘Recommended’, ‘Trending’, and those previously saved. This centralizes the use of templates and encourages user participation in key trends and formats. Instagram plans to enhance the template editing process with new elements to streamline the creation flow. The updates include automatic addition of audio, clip numbers, clip duration, AR effects, text, and transitions as used in the original reel. Despite the automated features, all elements of the templates will be fully customizable to allow users to repurpose and optimize the use of popular formats. These updates build upon the existing functionality added in April last year, which enables viewers to replicate popular clips by tapping the ‘Use Template’ button, and also offers examples of how others have used the same format. Despite the ease and convenience of templates, Instagram encourages users to consider their own unique approaches and formats to stand out and quickly grab attention. MAIN TAKEAWAY: While templates are helpful for quick ideas, innovating and finding new angles related to your product is important rather than only following trends.

The next article comes from Retail Dive and it’s called “Zales, Rocksbox partner on jewelry rental”. Signet Jewelers has launched a new fine jewelry rental program, called the Zales x Rocksbox Fine Jewelry Rental program, across two of its banners, Zales and Rocksbox, offering affordable fine jewelry options for special occasions and weddings. Zales acquired Rocksbox in 2021. The rental program is available by appointment at select Zales stores in 50 markets, and shoppers can browse an assortment of jewelry online ahead of their appointment through a digital lookbook. The Zales x Rocksbox Fine Jewelry Rental program has its own assortment of pieces that have been exclusively designed for rental. This partnership is a first for Signet and is part of the company’s strategy to evolve personalized shopping experiences for its customers, while also expanding its offerings beyond its traditional mall-based stores. MAIN TAKEAWAY: The main takeaway for small business owners in the jewelry industry is the increasing shift towards rental models and online presence. Signet Jewelers’ strategy of launching a jewelry rental program and acquiring digital platforms signals a changing landscape in the industry, suggesting that exploring similar avenues might be beneficial to stay competitive and appeal to new consumer preferences.

And then the last article comes from GQ and it’s called “Can Mystery Boxes Save Fashion Retail?”. So this article is about a fashion brand, but it introduces a concept that may be interesting to jewelry businesses ESSX, a new 7,000 square-foot fashion boutique in New York’s Lower East Side, aims to break into the market for advanced contemporary designer goods The store plans to differentiate itself by using the concept of “mystery boxes,” which are packages of overstock and end-of-season designer goods sold at a discount. These boxes could have a value of up to $1,000, but are sold for $398. Instead of having a sale section, ESSX will sell Scarce boxes tailored to customers’ sizes and brand preferences when the e-commerce outlets start their seasonal markdowns. This approach aims to maintain focus on the latest collections and avoid decreased sales. The store stocks a unique mix of emerging labels alongside luxury brands. ESSX sees positive feedback from wholesale brand partners and other New York retailers, who are interested in whether the store’s model can successfully counter sale season. MAIN TAKEAWAY: This strategy offers a unique solution to managing overstock or end-of-season goods, providing an alternative to traditional sales that may compromise the perceived value of the items. By adopting similar methods, jewelry businesses could maintain product exclusivity and value while incentivizing purchases and managing inventory effectively. Could be worth considering always worth thinking outside the box.

All right, that’s all I got for you today. Did you have any questions about Jewelry Marketing Jumpstart? You can always email me Laryssa. That’s If you love this podcast, please share it with a friend who’d appreciate it. And don’t forget to subscribe as well as leave a review on Apple Podcasts. If you’re completely new to digital marketing then you want to purchase and read a copy of my book Jewelry Marketing Joy. Visit for more information.

Transcribed by